El Copríncep Episcopal presideix el sopar en honor del Secretari General de la ONU en la seva visita a Andorra

Toast of H.E. the Co-Prince of Andorra, Joan-Enric Vives in the visit of H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-general of the UN.

Escaldes, 2nd april 2013

His Excellency the Secretary-General and Your distinguished Wife,
M.I. Síndic and Head of government, delegates of the Co-princes,
Ministers, Deputies, Ambassadors,
Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen.

1. Your Excellency.- It is a great honor for me to give you a warm welcome, in the name of all the people of Andorra, and to be able to express the joy we all feel, to share in our land of Andorra this official meal that unites us in a brotherhood full of peace and hope. Through your person, we can be next to the community of all the nations in the world, to their hopes and dreams, with their concerns and plurality. Thanks Excellency for having spent your interest, coming to our house, which is also you house and your home.

2. On July 28th 2013 we will celebrate the 20th anniversary that the Principality of Andorra was welcomed at the United Nations, as its 184th State member, and we are grateful for your presence, Secretary-general, for coming to Andorra and for your interest in our small country in the Pyrenees in Europe. We are an old country with its own language and culture, the Catalan culture, a friendly nation with its neighbors, France and Spain, who remains loyal and in good relations of cooperation and brotherhood with Europe and other continents.
Andorra, twenty years ago, obtained the objectives of standardization and integration in the international community to cooperate decisively in the measure of our possibilities, to build and maintain peace and justice everywhere.

3. In the middle of a globalized world, inside a process of continuous changes and new challenges, Andorra rises in search of their own place in the concert of nations, without losing the characteristics that have made it possible to reach where we are.
The 20th anniversary of our democratic Constitution of Andorra is our joy in these days. The people of Andorra, in the exercise of its sovereignty, proclaims itself as an “independent State, under the Law, and a Social and Democratic country” culmination of a long historical process that comes from the Middle Ages and today appears as a modern state with its own identity and unique prototypes of society that lives in peace and harmony.

It is really showed at the “Pareatges” signed in 1278, the foundation of our history and irrefutable example of one of the identifying signs of any democracy: the pact.
Those pacts implicated negotiation and agreements, assignment and respect about the defense of our own identity, sovereignty and independence of our Principality which were guaranteed, by the Co-Princes, both the episcopal and French.
Dialogue and additional agreements that ultimately are present even today in a special way in front of the new challenges that our country has to face, and I am convinced that the Andorran people will know how to find the ways to continue to secure its future as a State independent with law, democracy and social work.

4. Our Nation has an ancestral motto in its shield: “Virtus, Unita, Fortior” (force with union, becomes stronger) that accompanied our people throughout history. That is why Andorra has to remain faithful to the ideal of the exercise of fundamental rights of the individual reflected in our Constitution, and make our national motto “Virtus, Unita, Fortior”, continues to be a completely valid principle and give the orientation of Andorra and the people and the institutions of the country always towards the greatest good.

That is why we want to thank you, Mr. Secretary-general, for your presence in Andorra, and in particular to thank the UN for the promotion of the process of internationalization of our Principality of Andorra.

5. But I also had a dream… It is inherent in human nature to dream higher goals… Seeing you before me, Excellency, I see not only your person but the brotherhood of the peoples of the world. And I dream an Organization of the United Nations that promotes peace, development and respect for human rights; but also health care, education, fight against poverty, human trafficking and drugs; responses in front of natural disasters, refugee protection, climate change and the environment among many other subjects. No other organization in the world embodies so many dreams among young people. We cannot disappoint them. We cannot lower the dream, nor frustrated him. Let me wish you great success, Mr. Secretary-General, as well as to the General Assembly and the Security Council. The present of humanity and world peace are serious and troubling. But with your dedication and our collaboration we will go ahead. This is my wish and my hope, that we share with the French Co-prince of Andorra, H. E. Mr. François Hollande, who is united with us in this dinner in Your honor, dearest Secretary-general and your distinguished Wife.
You can always count on the love, comprehension and commitment of our Principality of Andorra.

Be very welcome and thank you very much!
